
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Spicy Stir-Fried Chicken with Broccoli

It was a cold and blustery day here today -- it only got up to the low-mid 40s (after a few unseasonably warm days in the 70s).  Tomorrow's high is only supposed to be 39...yikes!  Tonight I was in the mood for some stir-fry.  Normally I like to use diced boneless chicken breast for my stir-fries, but I have used boneless chicken thighs a couple of times now and really enjoy it for a change (as long as I am doing the trimming).  I just don't particularly care for cutting it up because there is a lot more trimming to do and I am fastidious about trimming.  I never ever order dark meat chicken in any Chinese food I have eaten out because it is typically not well trimmed...and well, it just frightens and disgusts me.  ;-)   Tonight's meal was simple and delicious.  Hubby had his over rice and I had mine as is, by itself.  I topped it with roasted peanuts.  I snapped a few photos below and you can find the recipe link for Spicy Stir-Fried Chicken with Broccoli embedded here.  Enjoy!




  1. I'm enjoying your meal creativity all the time. Thanks for sharing! Just wanted to say, I understand your fear and disgust about the trimmings from an aesthetic point of view, however – you are eating an animal after all, it's just part of it. I don't think gristle should be feared or reviled any more than muscle meat.

  2. I would give something really expensive to have a 39 degree HIGH day! :) Our high today isn't even expected to break 0.

  3. Hi Lola! Wow...I have never had a "high" that "low" before! I don't know how I would handle that!!! :-)

  4. Hi Anna! Thanks for your comments. I am working on trying to get over my pickiness when it comes to husband is completely the opposite -- he crunches on gristle like its candy (while I shudder at the mere sound of him crunching it) LOL. :-)


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