
Friday, September 25, 2015

First Friday of Fall "Fast Food" Meal

We had rain most of the day here today and it didn't get above 64 degrees...just a dark, damp and icky day. I didn't want much fuss for dinner this evening and didn't want to go out anywhere either. The only thing I looked forward to was getting into my p.j.'s as soon as I got home. LOL So, I had hubby pick up a rotisserie chicken on his way home and I made a couple of ridiculously easy sides while we waited for the chicken (and hubby) to arrive. I had a bag of coleslaw mix that I added to a large skillet with a bit of oil and I sauteed/fried it without adding any water. As it began to wilt a bit, I covered it and let it steam a little in it's own moisture while I cut up 4 strips of bacon and tossed it into the mix, then added some Kerrygold butter and let it cook uncovered on medium-high heat while I stirred frequently and let it brown up a bit.

While the cabbage cooked I tossed some cubes of fresh butternut squash (I purchased it already peeled and cut up) into a bowl with some olive oil, sea salt, and dusted it with chipotle chile powder and then added a few pinches of Swerve sweetener to get the sweet/salty/spicy thing going on. I spread it in a single layer on a baking sheet and roasted it at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes until tender. By the time hubby arrived with the chicken, the sides were done. I added a dollop of my Cranberry-Strawberry Sauce to our plates and it was the perfect "first Friday of fall" dinner, and it tasted even better because we ate it in our p.j.'s on a dreary Friday night. I snapped a quick photo below. It was a delicious dinner that required minimal effort to prepare. Enjoy!



  1. Hi GGC,

    Nice to be snug and cozy with a nice comforting supper ... and with a whole weekend to look forward to, as well! :-)

    1. Hi CyberSis,

      Thanks. Hope you have s great weekend! :-)


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