
Sunday, June 4, 2017

Easy Burgers Topped w/ Pimento Cheese On Bubbies Sauerkraut

Late this afternoon the rain finally stopped and the sun actually popped out. It was a nice surprise, especially since I wanted to grill burgers for dinner. As soon as it looked like the sun wasn't just playing tricks on me, I ran out and fired up the grill and made simple burgers, seasoning with just salt and pepper. I served our burgers on top of a bed of Bubbies sauerkraut and topped them with a dollop of Palmetto Pimento Cheese w/ Jalapenos. Palmetto Pimento Cheese is the only commercial brand of pimento cheese my hubby likes. I usually like to make my own pimento cheese but since I was only adding a small dollop to each burger, I just used what I had in the fridge. The burgers turned out great and it was a delicious combination. If you haven't tried Bubbies sauerkraut yet, it's worth trying. It's one of our favorites. I sliced our first little tomatoes and steamed some fresh broccoli and dinner was on the table. I snapped a few photos below. Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. I love Bubbies! And it's one of the very few commercial sauerkrauts & pickles with "active" probiotics.


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