
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sausage & Sprouts - Quick, Easy & Low Carb

Today was a scorcher here. We got up to 92 degrees and the humidity was really bad, too. Hubby had a board meeting to attend all day today so my daughter and I went to see a movie this afternoon and then did a little mall shopping afterward. Before heading home, I stopped at Costco to pick up a few things. Since it was so hot out, I wasn't in the mood to heat up the kitchen this evening so I made one of my favorite quick and easy meals...Sausage & Sprouts! As many of my regular followers know, I am obsessed with brussels sprouts. This dish is so very simple and it requires very few ingredients. 

I simply trim and halve fresh brussels sprouts and slice smoked gluten-free, nitrite/nitrate-free sausage and then usually stir-fry them on the stove. I used Aidells Chicken-Apple Smoked Sausage which is one of my favorites to combine with brussels sprouts. I decided to prepare our meal outside and use the grill as my stove instead of heating up the kitchen. I've made a few slight variations of this dish in the past. Occasionally I toss in some shredded red cabbage which not only gives it a punch of beautiful color, but some more texture, too. This evening, I added one small diced gala apple to my saute. 

I heated my 10-1/2 inch cast iron skillet on the grill over high heat and added some coconut oil and then tossed in my sliced sausage and let it brown, stirring occasionally. After about 5 minutes of browning, I tossed in my diced apple and cooked it with the sausage for a couple minutes. While the sausage was browning, I popped my sprouts into a covered glass casserole dish with a couple tablespoons of water and microwaved them on high for about 4 minutes to steam lightly to reduce the cooking time in the skillet. I drained the sprouts and added them to the browned sausage and apple and cooked and browned the sprouts and sausage mixture for a few more minutes. Normally I would have stopped there, but I decided to crack 2 eggs into the center of my sausage sprouts mixture and lightly cover with foil and cooked them until the eggs were done. I served the Sausage & Sprouts topped with fried eggs and one of my Cheddar Black Pepper Biscuits. It was delicious...hubby loved it too. Low carb meals can be as simple as you want them to be and still be delicious. I snapped a few photos for you to see below. Enjoy!


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