Well, today (July 10th) is my 1st Wheatless-versary! One year ago today, I eliminated wheat, grains and added sugar from my life and began following the Wheat Belly program by Dr. Davis. I hemmed and hawed about it for several months before actually beginning. I really thought it was just another "here today/gone tomorrow" fad-type diet. While I really wanted to believe in it, the truth is I really didn't think it was all that it claimed to be. But, something kept drawing me back to it. I regularly read Dr. Davis' Track Your Plaque blog for several years before Wheat Belly came along -- primarily because of my issue with high triglycerides. While I was fascinated by the idea that it could be as simple as eliminating wheat, grains, sugars, etc....it also was completely opposite from everything else I had ever read anywhere else or had been told by numerous physicians. The consistent mantra of low fat, healthy whole grains was what everyone else seemed to be preaching. Could it really be true that whole grains really weren't so healthy after all and that fat really wasn't the enemy? Then, Wheat Belly came along...and I began following that blog as well. I must have "liked" and "unliked" that Facebook page at least half a dozen times, feeling like it was just too good to be true and wondering why, if it was really "that great", everyone else hadn't jumped on the bandwagon, too! Lets just say I was intrigued, but seriously skeptical.
Then, after getting the frightening results of my triglycerides last July...546, I knew that I had to do something drastic. It was getting harder and harder to defend saying "no" to my doctor about considering medications to lower them. I had tried everything over the years -- lost weight, no fat, low fat, exercised like a freak...and while they would come down some -- they were never...ever within normal range. It was so discouraging and frustrating every time I got my lab results back...it was like coming home with a bad grade on my report card when I knew I had tried my very best and did everything I was told to do. I would just get frustrated and give up. Gradually, I began putting on weight after getting injured while jogging one night (serves me right for jogging at night). So...after my lab results came back last summer, I decided I would go ahead and give Wheat Belly a try for a few weeks...hoping it would work, but fully expecting it not to. I figured I really had nothing to lose...and the worst case scenario was I would go without wheat for a few weeks which was not a big deal. I was a bit concerned because I love to cook and feared that by eliminating wheat, grains and most starches that cooking would be so boring, and eating would be even worse. So, I set out to deliberately make sure that would never ever be the case. Rather than focus on all the foods I had to eliminate, I chose to focus on the list of foods that I could eat and to find a way to embellish and enhance them by putting the ingredients together to make something awesome...not simply "alright"...I wanted AWESOME! I did not want to feel deprived because I knew that would be my downfall and also knew that I would not be able to maintain eating this way forever if I felt deprived. I worked on creating a few dishes early on that would make me feel like I could survive this. One was "pasta dishes" -- the other was "pizza". So, one of the first things I worked on satisfying was a good substitute for both of those items. I recreated spaghetti, fettucine, lasagna noodles by substituting zucchini or eggplant in place of the pasta and realized that regular pasta was really nothing more than a bland vehicle in which to enjoy the tasty cheeses, sauces, etc. that you ladled or layered along with them. I experimented with creating a variety of pizza crusts, most of which were just "alright"...and remember, I was looking for awesome, not alright! I finally created one that would make pining for pizza a thing of the past. Interestingly, what I did find was that the longer I was away from wheat and grains...the less I missed or craved them. Once I had suitable substitutions (that I actually liked more than the original versions) of those couple dishes...I settled down and realized that not only was it possible to live without wheat and grains...but it was downright enjoyable as well! For the first time, I was in control of my appetite...it did not control me! I can't describe how liberating and calming that was, all at the same time.
Now, back to my triglycerides...after 6 weeks without wheat and grains, they were cut in half. After 7 to 8 months, they had gone from 546 to 115, by simply removing wheat and grains. I look forward to getting my physical and labs done next month to compare them to last year's results. Oh, I forgot to mention that I lost 65 pounds this past year. Did I mention that 55 of those 65 pounds were lost in 6 months with NO exercise, just simply abstaining from wheat and grains??? I began exercising after 6 months, and have lost an additional 10 pounds for a total of 65 pounds. I have more energy than I know what to do with.
During this past year, I have shared almost everything I have made daily on my blog. It is interesting to look back at my "pictorial food diary" for this past year. I've made it my mission to not only post the pictures of what I ate, but also provide my recipes and/or instructions, hoping it might give ideas to those wondering what to make or eat. I wanted to help give those that might be on the fence, like I once was, hope and inspiration and show them that eating wheat/grain free is not only good for you...but it is a delicious and sustainable way to live. I can honestly say that this past year has been an interesting journey, and not once have I felt deprived. While some people may feel that I am deprived and can't eat "this or that" any more, I know that I can eat whatever I choose to. It is my choice not to eat wheat or grains any more; a conscious and willful decision on my part. I wish more people could enjoy the tremendous health benefits for themselves. I am forever thankful for the inspiration that Dr. Davis gave me via his book, Wheat Belly, and the inspiration that he gives to countless others each and every single day via his Wheat Belly Blog and Facebook page. Thank you, Dr. Davis!

These are the ramblings of a self-described wheat, grain and gluten-free “gourmet girl” that loves to cook and eat good food. I love creating and sharing recipes and photographing “beautiful food”. In July 2012, I eliminated wheat, grains and added sugar from my diet and rediscovered real, whole fresh foods again and effortlessly lost 65+ pounds. Join me in my wheat, grain and gluten-free journey. See how easy it is to enjoy grain free gourmet, one meal at a time! Welcome to my blog. Enjoy!
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What a great essay! I, too, was very skeptical about going wheat-free. I thought it was the next fly-by-night fad. Tried it for a few weeks, and it made such an unexpected difference in my health, I was shocked (in a good way). No more fibro pain, no cravings for food all the time, no depression. I kept waiting for all this to return, but as long as I stay away from wheat, I feel great. Thank you for doing all the work to find inspiring and yummy recipes for us to try. Your ideas and photos are great! I'll continue to limit or eliminate more grains. I've lost almost 30lbs since February (5 mos), and hope to lose 25 more. Again, congratulations on your anniversary!
Wow! Congratulations... What a wonderful success story. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us.
I've been on the fence for about a year... While my weight continues to rise and health declines. I will start today. Thank you for the inspiration. My story is similar to yours in regards to my trigl numbers and the fact that I've been following your blog yet haven't pulled the trigger to give it a try. You might save my life. Keep blogging! Thank you.
Good Morning, Anonymous! It's okay to sit on the fence for a little while (I surely did)...but at some point you might just want to set a defined period of time...3 weeks or 1 month and just "go for it". I do believe that within 30 days to 6 weeks, you will know. I wonder if many of us that battle triglycerides might not be more carb sensitive than others. Based on my experience, I at least suspect that with me. If I only ever reached 1 person...blogging would be 100% worth it to me. If you ever have any questions, I am always willing to help however I can. And please...whatever you do, you need to help save your life -- you are worth it, I promise. I have faith that you can experience success and improved health...you have absolutely nothing to lose by trying...and more than likely you will gain more good than you ever thought possible. I am rooting for you! :-)
A few months ago while searching for a recipe I came upon your blog (something with eggplant...I still remember). I then also researched The Wheat Belly and the Paleo Diet book and started trying to get my husband to go grain free due to his cholesterol.
At the time he didn't want...but a few months later when he was also diagnosed with diabetes things changed and he gave it a go. That was 2 months ago, and he has lost about 6kgs (about 13pounds),quite a few cms around his waist, and best of all his blood sugar is normal. He measures that daily so he knows, but he needs to return to his Dr next month for new tests, so hope his cholesterol has also improved.
This was also after he went to a nutritionist who recommend he eat wholewheat bread and pastas, etc, etc. He was very skeptical at first but said he would try my suggestion instead of following what the nutritionist recommended and he is so happy now and says he doesn't miss sugar or most of the other foods at all!
I have been gluten intolerant for about 2 years and followed a GF diet, but I have now also given up grains, although I have no other medical problems, but feel great too.
So thanks for the inspiration and well done on your weight loss.
I love your blog, have tried many of the recipes and have lost 30 pounds almost effortlessly since Labor Day. You are a constant source of food ideas and recipes. Thanks!!
Thanks, Emma! :-)
Hi Nan! Wow, 30 lbs since February is awesome! The feeling better part (no pain, no cravings, depression, etc.) is what makes this lifestyle so wonderful. Most of the time, people don't feel well while losing weight -- either exercising to the point of exhaustion, restricting food, fat, calories and trying to use this mythical "willpower" we all have been brainwashed to believe it takes to be successful. Eliminating the cravings is 99% of success...you can eat to sustain, not eat yourself sick because your appetite drives you to. Keep up the good work and thank you! :-)
Great post GGC!! I refer to your blog all the time, mostly for recipes, but inspiration too! I started on WB first to lose weight, once I learned more about the whole process I was grateful to discover it would also improve my health in so many ways!! I also have high triglycerides and cholesterol, it's been 5 months since I started and almost a year since I have had bloodwork done. Im planning to get it done soon! The other positive affects have been numerous; no more acid reflux, joint pain, headaches are a thing of the past, foggy brain is gone, sleep so deep and soundly, allergies(seasonal and even to metals) are gone! I could go on and on but you get the idea!! I
I have also lost 35 lbs since starting Feb 10!! I still have about 60-65 more that I want to lose. In the last month I have hit a plateau, did this happen to you at all? Any tips to help get past it? I'm not getting discouraged, I just want to get the weight loss moving again!!!
Thanks for all you do!
Thank you! Your story is very inspiring and I have really appreciated all the work you have done developing and sharing your recipes! I have used and enjoyed many of them and I return to your blog whenever I'm looking for a guaranteed yummy dish! I've also referred quite a few people to you:) I have especially loved your almond cake!
I wish everyone would try the Wheat Belly lifestyle! My results haven't been as dramatic, but they're very real to me. Shoulder pain gone. Depression gone. Brain fog gone. Sneezing fits gone. Feeling anti-social gone.
I'm probably about 95% wheat free. Every once in a while, every week or two, I indulge but I know I will pay the price the next day or two.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your blog! It's so inspiring. Thank you for sharing it all.
Congratulations, GG! I'm nearing my one-year anniversary, but I haven't had nearly as much success (only lost about 20 pounds). I'm apparently getting 'wheated' somehow (which is very easy when I'm cooking for two others who are NOT wheatless), because I still have aches and pains, and I'm occasionally feeling the "need" to snack at night.
I also have thyroid issues (unmedicated, because my numbers are "within range"). I'd guess that I haven't been careful with the carbs. ::sigh:: .
However, I will not give up.
Keep up the good work, GG!
Congratulations GG :-) I have been following your recipes on the WB FB page daily and always have new inspiration for my next week grocery list. Congrats on a great year.
Congratulations, Gourmet Girl. What a great day for you and all of us you inspire. Please keep up the great blog. I follow you religiously and use your recipes daily to great success. I'm down 30 lbs in 5 months of serious effort wheat free. I've got 60 more to go but feel it will happen now that I'm made the commitment. It wouldn't have happened without you and Dr. Davis.
Thanks to you both. Fondly, Linda
Hi Sami! Too funny that you found me while searching for an eggplant recipe -- eggplant happens to be one of my favorites! How great for your husband that his blood sugars are normal now, too. I am hoping he gets improved cholesterol at his doctor's visit -- and even it if isn't perfectly normal yet, it may take a little longer to get there. So happy that you both are doing well and I do think your eliminating grains, too is probably a good thing and lucky you for not having any medical issues -- maybe this will keep you from ever getting them. I hope so. Thanks for letting me know. :-)
Wonderful! Congrats to you, you have a wonderful story of success. I've been on WB diet for 6 months now, I've lost almost 15 lbs, but am at a stall and can't seem to get past that. I'm still on all of my meds, HBP, High cholesterol, diabetes. My test results show all are within normal ranges they haven't changed from when I started until now. So I don't know if my results are still from the meds or the diet, my Doc won't take me off the meds for now.
I'm getting a little tired of the diet and really miss bread, I've got Oopsie Rolls in the oven right now LOL. I owe my success a lot to you for posting your wonderful recipes, they have certainly helped me stay on the diet.
Thank you,
Thanks, Anonymous -- 30 pounds since Labor Day is great...but the "effortlessly" part is awesome! Thanks for letting me know you enjoy the ideas on my blog...and congratulations on your 30 pound weight loss! :-)
Hi Paula! Congratulations on your 35 pounds lost! While I never actually hit a plateau -- I did lose more some weeks than others...and occasionally there would be none for a particular week and the another few pounds the next. Don't get too worried about that after only 1 month. Some people find they are eating too much fruit and some find that dairy can stall them. So far, dairy has not bothered me at all. If your stall continues...maybe you could have your thyroid checked if it hasn't been checked before to make sure that might not be affecting you -- but I would be patient and see if it doesn't pick up again on its own. I think the most amazing part for me was the natural appetite suppressant affect of wheat/grain elimination. It makes it much easier to eat what you are supposed to eat because your body isn't craving all the things we should eat. Congrats on your success -- keeping my fingers crossed that the scale starts moving again soon for you! :-)
Thanks so much Liz! So glad you've enjoyed some of the recipes. I figure if nothing else, it might give somebody an idea of their own to run with. Thanks so much for letting me know you enjoy the blog. :-)
Hi Kath! Thanks so much. Your list of improvements are inspiring as well and the fact that you didn't need a prescription to take care of them is even better! I wish you continued success, and thanks for letting me know you enjoy the blog! :-)
Hi Sharon! Congratulations on your 20 pounds -- I think it is terrific! So far I have been fortunate not to have been "wheated" during this past year. If I am hungry in the evening, I eat some nuts or cheese or a cup of yogurt...at that seems to take care of it. Your success is no less than mine -- hang in there...this isn't a race...it's an awesome journey. Thanks for letting me know! I am rooting for you! :-)
Hi Andrea! Thanks! So glad you enjoy the recipes I post on the WB page. When I read people commenting about either being bored or not knowing what they can eat...I want to shout....look...there is LOTS you can eat! Thanks for letting me know you enjoy seeing the recipes. :-)
Hi Linda! Congratulations on your 30 pound loss!!! That is awesome. I am so glad you enjoy seeing the recipes on my blog...that is why they are there. You have made an awesome start and the "making the commitment" part is half of the battle that you have behind you now. I look forward to hearing about your continued success...I will be cheering you on! :-)
I need to thank you.
I went low carbs in 2011 and lost 130 lbs (Back to normal weight) after 15 years of failures. I did it mostly eating meat and vegetables, giving up sugar, grains and starch. The problem is eventually I grew bored with the same type of plates.
Finding your site was a life saver. You have allowed me to eat old favorites by changing a few ingredients.
Thanks to you, I can now see myself eating like this for the rest of my life, as I now have enough variety to keep me satisfied.
Great site, and congratulation on your successes.
Hi Roye! You should be very proud of your 15 pounds! You have already gotten rid of a "Thanksgiving turkey"...think how heavy they are! You didn't say how long your stall was or how much more you wanted to lose -- are you close to your goal? Also, has your doctor ever checked your thyroid since I know many people have undiagnosed thyroid conditions. If the oopsie rolls get you through...that's all that counts! I am keeping my fingers crossed that you scale begins dropping again soon! :-)
Congratulations to you GG and what a beautifully written essay you wrote. I have written to you before and have had lots of success, losing 55 pounds, I went from a size 18 to a very comfortable size 8. I wanted to say to all the other people who have written about hitting a plateau to hang in there, it happened to me, I think it happens to most. For me, I eliminated fruit completely for a few days and I carefully monitored the amount of nuts I was eating while really increasing the veggies. That did it for me, the weight started to come down pretty quickly after that. This is not a race at all please take it one day at a time and don't give up. Getting rid of the wheat and grains has been the best thing I have ever done in my life and I am so grateful for your blog. I literally plan my menus every week around your recipes. Thank you again for all that you do! Good luck to everyone embarking on this journey and God Bless you all. Maria
Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing your great creations with the world!
Congrats on your 1 year! My wife and I have been at it for a year and a half. We feel great and love eating this way.
I came across your blog via Dr. Davis' Wheat Belly blog, and you are on my regular rotation of blogs I follow. Thanks for the great food, photography, and encouragement.
-Mark in Austin
LOL at losing a Thanksgiving turkey!! That's funny but true, 15 lbs is heavy LOL. Thank you for the crossed fingers ;). I've actually been stalled for a long time, probably like a couple of months. And actually I do have hypothyroidism. I had breast cancer and had to have radiation, the first blood work results after my treatment showed my thyroid was no longer working the way it should. Of course none of the doctors said that the radiation had anything to do with it! But regardless I have to take a pill every morning now probably for the rest of my life. But being on the meds my thyroid is working as it should so I don't know if it's keeping me from losing weight.
My goal was 30 lbs so looking at it that way I'm half way there. But at this rate I'll never get to 30.
Have you tried the Oopsie Rolls? And have you tried the crumb/coffee cake recipe using the oopsie rolls recipe? Oh My, it's heavenly!!
Take care,
Great Blog! Thanks for taking the time to explain all that to us. So so interesting and helpful. Very happy for you and proud of you!
Thanks so much, Patricia! I want people to know that even while eating the meals that I post...I still lost 65 lbs. I also wanted people to know that most of that was without any exercise which further proved that the wheat/grain/added sugar elimination itself was responsible for the vast majority of my weight loss. :-)
Hi Roye! No, I have not tried oopsie rolls or the coffee cake -- I will have to check it out and try them soon! If you only have 15 lbs to go, you will get there -- you really don't have far to go at all. :-)
Thank you, Pat -- it has been my pleasure! :-)
Thanks so much, Mark. Glad to hear you enjoy following my blog -- you are so right about enjoying eating this way. It's hard to imagine ever eating the junky stuff I ate before. I have not been bored or deprived in 1 year...I can't imagine ever feeling that way. Thank you! :-)
Thanks so much, Maria! Wow, I had no idea you had lost 55 pounds -- that is awesome and congratulations to YOU!!! You are right about not getting discouraged if you hit a stall -- eventually you tweak what you are doing a little and the weight loss picks back up again. I am so flattered that you use my blog to help plan you meals...and happy that you enjoy it. Like you, I feel this is one of the best decisions I have ever made...and just wish I had done so long ago! Take care and thank you! :-)
Thank you Anonymous -- wow, 130 pounds lost -- how amazing is that??? You have no idea how happy it makes me feel that you have found some new ideas on my blog to help keep you on track and from becoming bored with eating the same meals over and over again. I knew that was what I needed -- both to venture out of my comfort zone and experiment with different ingredients as well as find a way to recreate some of my old favorites, but in a way that still kept me wheat and grain free. The variety has helped me and I am so happy it is helping you too. Thanks so much for letting me know and again...congratulations on your amazing weight loss! :-)
Marie said....
I have also been wheat free since February of this year and have lost 58 pounds and feel much better. Congratulations on your weight loss!
Hi Marie! WOW...58 pounds since this February??? I am extremely impressed. Isn't it wonderful to lose that kind of weight and be able to eat the way we eat? It never ceases to amaze me. Congratulations on YOUR weight loss -- that is awesome and I know very well how much better you feel, too! :-)
Congratulations! It's been wonderful to keep up with your progress. I have enjoyed your blog ever since Dr. Davis mentioned you. Your recipes fill a binder in my kitchen. I've given so many people the link because what you make is so good, and once you get your kitchen set up, cooking is so easy. I don't feel deprived being off wheat. It's wonderful not to be driven by hunger when you only ate 2 hours previously. Keep blogging!
All of these positive comments are proof of your helpfulness to us all! My husband and I are approaching our first anniversary on Aug 1st, and thank you for making it such an enjoyable year. I look forward to your blog and you keep us going with satisfying meals and desserts! Congrats!
Thanks so much Kathy! I'm so glad you have been enjoying some of the recipes and thank you for your kind comments. I can definitely live eating this way...it is better than I could have imagined! :-)
Thanks so much Darlene! Wow...you are really close to your anniversary, too! Doesn't it feel great? I could not have imagined that I would enjoy eating this way as much as I do. It is so great eating real foods without being driven by the appetite stimulant of wheat and grains. Congratulations to both you and your husband coming this far, too. What an amazing journey we have all been on this past year...I look forward to the upcoming year #2. So glad you enjoy the blog and thanks for your kind comments! ;-)
Dear GGC:
Congratulations on your one-year anniversary! You’ve not only successfully figured out the wheat-free, grain-free, sugar-free, healthy lifestyle for yourself, but you’ve helped countless others embrace this way of life, too ... and not just embrace it, but embrace it with *gusto* and truly make it their own! There is something very, very special about *you* and the wonderful recipes and "kitchen wisdom" that you so generously share with all of us that really resonates and inspires. Thank you for all that you do and best wishes for continued success and radiant health!
Thank you for the encouraging success story! I have been wheat free for 3 weeks now and your recipes have been
wonderful. I look forward to feeling better and getting rid of excess weight. I can't believe how wheat made me so hungry before, and tired! So glad I found your page!!! Please don't stop cooking and experimenting!!!
Thanks so much, Debbie! I wish you tremendous success -- I will keep experimenting in the kitchen -- I promise! :-)
My husband and I have been wheat free since June 2012. We are NEVER going back! We have our primary care physician to thank for steering us to Dr Davis. It has been nothing short of life changing.
Your blog has been an amazing source of fabulous recipes and encouragement to keep following this way of eating. Thank You!!
Pat in Ohio
Hi CyberSis! Thanks so much. This past year has been an interesting journey -- I worried that I would get bored eating this way and I couldn't have been more wrong. I look forward to continuing to "defy the skeptics" that think we need wheat and grains to enjoy delicious meals. Part of the "fun" though has been getting to know nice people like you and countless others that I get to chat with as we travel this journey together. We all help each other, whether we share tips, heads up on sales...whatever. I look forward to "Year #2" of this wheat free journey. Thanks, again for your kindness, always. :-)
Hi Pat! I had no idea you had been wheat free for that long! Wow, how lucky are you to have your physician actually steer you towards Wheat Belly -- I am impressed! Thank you for all your kind comments this past year...it encourages me to keep going! :-)
Hello, I just wanted to say thank you too. I also thought and delayed the jump to wheatless eating for months. I have been following Wheat belly since the end of January and I am feeling so much better all around that now I do not understand why I didn't do it sooner. Your website and recipes have been an inspiration for me. Congratulations on your anniversary, and thank you for all the good work you do.
Hi Magali! Thank you very much. So happy you are now enjoying the benefits of wheat free, too. Despite what many people think, we really can eat very well without wheat. Thanks, again, you for your kind words. :-)
Gourmet Girl.... I stumbled upon your blog looking through recipes for gluten/wheat/sugar free meals. I bookmarked about 80% of your recipes due to some being replicated but I must say you are an inspiration. I love your blog and after reading this update on your anniversary I'm so happy for you and excited for myself. I hope to be just as successful as you have been. Btw, I love all of your recipes, everything is delicious and worth changing the habits for.
Hi Yaneisy! Thanks so much -- I hope you enjoy the recipes. It makes a big difference when you realize that you can still enjoy plenty of delicious foods and you aren't sentenced to a life of "dull and boring meals". It made all the difference in the world for me and has made it easy to stick with it. I honestly do believe I could eat this way forever...and happily so (which is important). I wish you lots of success and hope to hear updates on your progress, too! :-)
I found your blog a few months ago when I was put on an elimination diet. I was diagnosed with IBS a few years ago and suffer from constant nausea. Right now I am where you were in the beginning. I followed it for a few weeks, noticed some changes, went off it for a few weeks, and am now trying to get back on it.
I am a good cook but only by following recipes. I am not good at experimenting with things. I was excited when I found your blog to get delicious ideas for meals. I also have the Wheat Belly book and cookbook but your blog is much more fun to visit.
Congratulations on our success and thank you for taking the time to share. You are an inspiration.
Hi Amber! Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm glad to hear you enjoy visiting my blog. Between that and the WB cookbook and recipes in the WB book, you should have plenty of ideas to help make it a bit easier to get ideas of what to make. I'm a visual person and no matter how good a recipe might read or sound...there is nothing quite like seeing a picture of what the finished product looks like. You get to take a peek at my plate or into my bowl to see what I am eating that day. The fact that you are a good cook should make it easier for you, too! I wish you loads of success as you re-start your journey...thanks, again for letting me know you enjoy my blog! :-)
Congratulation Amber and thank you for your fab recipes, photos and the inspiration you have given me to stay the course.
I have been gluten free for 364 days and it has changed my life in many ways. I have automatic willpower over food, more energy, far less pain with my fibromyalgia/arthritis etc, I sleep like a baby waking with joy again and my depression lifted.
Who would have thought that G-free would give me back ME. I love feeling like my old self again and no food can taste that good.
Also while i am rambling my Cholesterol dropped 100 points in the first 3 months, my diabetes has improved with more stable glucose levels. I am going to try to go grain free as I only lost 30 lbs effortlessly.lol
Many Thanks
Hi Flo! So it is your 1-year anniversary tomorrow then? Happy Anniversary and congratulations to you, too! 30 lbs is nothing to sneeze at -- and its the "effortlessly" part that says so much. You are right though...no food can taste as good as feeling well does. I bet you will see even further improvement grain free...thanks so much for your kind words...keep up the good work as we go through this journey together! :-)
Thanks GG.
For my Anniversary I had my blood work done, lol
New doctor wanted me on statins cos I am diabetic and not a skeleton but I said no thanks.
I got my blood results back already and my numbers are great with total cholesterol of 192, so it only dropped 4 points this time instead of 100 lol. My A1C test results is the best it has been in years and my blood pressure is within normal range.
Any Doubters should just do it for 3 months to see for themselves.
I am a believer cuz my results are from no exercise but just going gluten free, this is proof enough for me.
Free at last Flo
Congratulations, Flo! Sounds like your lab results were excellent! I wonder how many people there are out there taking statins and other medications that are not only expensive, but have dangerous side effects -- when all they really needed to do was make some dietary modifications instead to get the SAME results without the dangerous side effects. I would much rather spend a little more money on healthy fresh foods than to spend it at the pharmacy counter! Congratulations! :-)
GG you are such an inspiration. I have been following you for about 1 month now love all your dishes. My weight is coming off so slow maybe 5lbs 1st month but my joints don't hurt and cravings are gone like you that is really amazing. I think I just have to be pt. I think by body is so messed up from eating bad for so many years. I will try to back off dairy for a bit and see if that helps. Thanks again. And a Big Congrats to you!!!
Hi Mary! Thanks so much for the kind words. Congratulations on surviving your first month -- that is the hardest part. So glad you have relief from joint pain and food cravings. Hang in there and don't get overly concerned about the weight loss -- it is still early and hopefully it will begin to improve, too. Reducing dairy does help many people jump start weight loss. If after another month or two you don't feel like it is coming off, you may want to have your thyroid function checked "just in case". Thanks so much for your comment -- and welcome to the "wheat/grain free club"! :-)
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