Merry Christmas! It's been a very busy few days but before everyone is awake this morning I'd like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. This is my third wheat and grain free Christmas and it actually feels "normal". I made a big pan of lasagna for dinner last night and made it 4 layers high this time! I used my grain free tortillas as the noodles and I swear you can not tell the difference at all! I snapped a few photos of last night's Christmas eve dinner at my house to share.
Now, before everyone awakes, I'm going to go and get started on breakfast! Merry Christmas to all and thanks for joining me on this journey over the last 2-1/2 years. Mostly, thanks for trusting my recipes enough to serve them to the most important people in your lives...your family. Blessings to all. Enjoy!
Note: Spike's little sofa is decorated with a snowman blanket, too! |
Lasagna is ready for the oven...looks like I've already gathered a big crowd of admirers! |
MERRY CHRISTmas to you and yours and a HAPPY HEALTHY NEW YEAR!!
JESUS is the reason for ALL seasons!!
Love your tree, your house and your food! All the best for a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
Merry Christmas! Hope it was wonderful!
Hi Charlotte,
Thanks so much. :-)
Your Christmas decorations look fantastic! Thanks for all the fantastic recipes and I wish you and your family a most wonderful and healthy 2015.
Thanks so much Sami! I wish you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year, too! :-)
Thanks Anonymous! :-)
Hi Luana,
Thanks so much! Hope you had a nice Christmas and best wishes for a very Happy & Healthy New Year! :-)
What beautiful photos of your lovely home and delectable kitchen creations! Love the "admirers" too ... including Screechy! :-) Is that perchance a square grand piano in the background?
Now, you know, this is only the 3rd Day of Christmas ... 9 more to go, if my count is correct, so even if it's not *technically* Christmas Day, I don't think it's too late at all to wish you a very Merry Christmas! :-)
Hi CyberSis,
Thanks! Merry Christmas to you too!'s actually Squawkie...but Screechy works too. She is ALL of those and more. Ha!
It is actually a baby grand piano in the background that I have had since I was 4 years old. I learned how to play music before I could read! Hope you are enjoying the season. I spent most of today recovering! ;-)
Boy, is my face red! I didn't mean to give Squawkie a new name! It was late and my brain was fried ... much like it is right now, in fact. :-)
We had a beautiful square grand and my dad had me playing before I could read, too. Took lessons for years, but wasn't a "natural" like he was. He could sit down at the piano and just start playing. He could play anything ... and I do mean Anything! The music just flowed from his fingertips effortlessly. :-) I don't have room for the piano anymore. But at least it found a good home at my brother's house! :-)
Hi CyberSis,
LOL...there is no reason for the red face; I actually got a good laugh because no matter what the name is, it all means the same thing...VERY LOUD and NOISY! Ha!
Here's a link to info about the bird -- they can become screamers if they don't get enough attention. 15 years ago when we got her as a baby, the kids were still at home and she got LOTS of attention. She still gets attention, but not the amount she used to get.
She screams/screeches/squawks at all the same things/scenarios a watchdog (Spike) does (noise outside, someone at the door, people coming and going from the house, etc.).
So, with any of those numerous events and situations I have a screaming bird and a barking dog! LOL I can't find where I read it once before but it said that conures were some of the loudest birds in the jungle and not recommended (or allowed in many places) in condos, apartments, etc. because of their noisiness. Thus, when the kids went off to college and then moved into apartments, condos and townhouses afterward...Squawkie officially became part of my permanent family...and their lifespan is about 25-30 years (of which she has only used 15)! I keep hoping one of them will buy a house! ;-)
Forgot to include the link:
Thanks for the very interesting link. They are gorgeous birds! I especially love Squawkie's coloring. I don't think you're the only mom to "inherit" a pet that way ... in fact, I seem to recall that *my* mom had a similar experience once upon a time. :-) Between Spike and Squawkie you have quite an effective security system, don't you!
Hi CyberSis,
Thanks. I'm sure I'm not the only one to inherit a pet like that...but sometimes it gets pretty noisy!
Yes, I would say our alarm system is quite effective! It even makes me want to run the other way sometimes! LOL :-)
I am new to your site and about to start the new year, cleaning out my system. I don't use facebook or twitter. Will I be able to look at recipes or get to your site any other way? Thanks for all your great information.
Hi Marianne,
All of my recipes are housed here on my blog. I don't post them on Facebook or Twitter...I just link back to my blog. You shouldn't have any problem getting the recipes at all without the other social media. There is a place on the right side of my blog where you can subscribe by email too and get each new post emailed to you if you want. Hope that helps! :-)
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