This evening I wanted to have kebabs for dinner since it was such a pretty day and hubby was off today and could grill them earlier than normal. Usually, on weeknights, I have to do the grilling because he gets home a couple of hours after I do. I forgot to marinate the chicken before I went to bed last night, so I prepared the marinade and cut up the chicken when I came home at lunch time so it could marinate all afternoon. It turned out great! The recipe is one that I found in the July 2009 Bon Appetit Magazine which I used to subscribe to. When I made this recipe last spring, I didn't have the Aleppo pepper, so I had to use the substitute for it (paprika and cayenne). When I was shopping at Penzeys Spice store a couple weeks ago, I picked up some Aleppo pepper (from Turkey) so I could make it with the original spice the recipe called for. The link to the post with the recipe is here:
Chicken Kebabs Marinated in Greek Yogurt w/ Aleppo Pepper. I made this last April, a few months before going wheat/grain free and the only substitute I made, other than the Aleppo pepper, was I served cauliflower rice tonight instead of the brown rice pilaf I used last year. I served the kebabs with some grilled red peppers brushed with olive oil, salt and pepper, cauliflower rice, and roasted brussels sprouts that I tossed with olive oil, Pomegranate infused red wine vinegar, sea salt and black pepper. It was delicious -- the Greek yogurt marinade clings to the chicken while it cooks and keeps it so moist. I snapped a few photos below. Enjoy!
Voila! |
I really liked this pepper! |
Did you think the Aleppo Pepper made a difference? I'm sure I wouldn't be able to find this locally...One thing I am happy about is that my area will be getting a Costco- being planned for next Spring! I see you so often get nice seafood and some other items there, so I'm looking forward to it.
I wanted to ask a general question, please. I like to make my own salad dressings, and usually make enough to last me a couple of weeks. Does a vinegar/olive oil mixture have to be refrigerated? I find if I store it in the fridge it becomes a solid no matter where I put it, which is very annoying. It's one more thing to remember to take it out ahead of time! Thanks for any advice.
Darlene, I have made my Oil-vinegar dressing for years and I always kept it in the cupboard. Since it contains vinegar it is safe. I never had a problem.
Hi Darlene -- It did taste a bit different -- wasn't quite as hot as the substitution of paprika/cayenne -- however, if making it with the substitution, now that I know what Aleppo pepper tastes like, I would reduce the cayenne by about 1/2. It wasn't quite as hot as my cayenne version. About refrigerating your depends on what you read -- some say yes..always. Others say it depends on what you put in it -- like if you use fresh herbs or garlic, then yes because of possible bacterial growth. If you took the dressing out of the fridge about 15 minutes or so before you wanted to use it, would the oil liquify again? I would try taking it out ahead of time to see if it melts on its own. I suppose if you are jut adding salt, pepper and maybe dry herbs, etc., it might be alright...but I would first see how long it actually takes to melt after removing it from the fridge first. Let me know if it works! I think you will like Costco -- it is great if you have a larger family, too because you can buy in bulk. I buy a lot of my vitamins/supplements there, fresh produce, meats...and I like to shop there at Christmas time too -- they get a lot of seasonal shipments in that are only carried at different times. Their prices are good for most items. :-)
It does melt in about 1/2hr if kept in the fridge. I usually use dried seasonings, so maybe I could keep it in a cooler cupboard during the warm months; I'll experiment! Thanks to you (both) for your help.
I'm looking forward to the nut tassie receipe, which I haven't made in years! Used to make them for Xmas.
Another thing to ponder: what about molasses cookies? I saw some in a bakery yesterday and realized how much I miss them! Are they definitely off our list because of the molasses? (don't mean to bug you, but curious about your thoughts)
Hi Darlene! Then it might be worth trying since you use dry herbs and they won't break down like fresh might -- also I see Barbara said she does it and has success with it as well. Also, I forgot that my hubby uses a particular kind of dressing, "Newman's Own Olive Oil & Vinegar" and he takes that to work because he can keep it in his desk without refrigeration -- it's one of the only bottled dressings we've found that doesn't say it requires refrigeration. I am going to post my Pecan Tassies recipe when I get back from my morning walk. I wrote it up last night but it was midnight and I don't trust that I didn't make mistakes at that time of night -- I will take one more look at it when I get back and post it. Hope you enjoy! :-)
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