This evening I made Copper River Salmon for dinner (yes, again...LOL). I poached it this time and kept it extremely simple. Rather than poach it in the oven or on to stove top, I wrapped it tightly in an aluminum foil pouch with butter, white wine and lemon slices, seasoned only with salt and pepper. I heated the gas grill to 500 degrees and then placed it on top of the gas burner so that the burner was directly underneath the entire length of the fillet and cooked it about 7 minutes (the time would vary depending on the thickness of your fillet). I removed it from the grill and kept the packet tightly closed for another 5 minutes to complete cooking. If you prefer your salmon slightly under cooked, you can serve it immediately. It was tender, moist and delicious and the delicate salmon flavor was the star of the show. I made my Yellow Cheddar Squash Casserole to go alongside the salmon. It was the perfect meal featuring two of my absolute summertime favorites. I snapped a few photos below and included the easy recipe for the poached salmon. Poaching it on the grill keeps the heat and any fish smell outside and leaves your oven available to bake the squash casserole in. To get to the recipe for the squash casserole, click here:
Yellow Cheddar Squash Casserole. Enjoy!
#copperriversalmon #knowyourfisherman #copperriverwild #100daysofsalmon #soundsalmon |
Poached Copper River Salmon w/ Lemon, Butter & White Wine Sauce
1 pound fresh wild Copper River Salmon fillet
1 large lemon, thinly sliced
Sea salt and black pepper, to taste
3 to 4 tablespoons butter, cut into 4 to 5 pieces
2 tablespoons white wine
Preheat gas grill to 500 degrees F (or oven to 450 degrees F). Tear a large sheet of heavy duty foil long enough to extend about 4 inches beyond each end of the fillet
Place a few lemon slices (about 3) in center of foil to go underneath salmon fillet. Place salmon, skin side down, on top of lemon slices in center of foil. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Top with pieces of butter. Crimp ends of foil tightly. Form a packet around sides of fillet. Pour white wine over top of salmon fillet and crimp the packet tightly closed, leaving space around the fillet to allow it to steam as it cooks. Place packet lengthwise along center of grill burner (so it runs the length of the burner). Cover grill and cook approximately 5 to 8 minutes, depending on thickness of fillet. Remove packet from grill and allow to continue cooking off the heat for about 5 minutes. Serve with lemon, butter, wine sauce spooned over top.
We're still looking forward to our first Copper River salmon of the season. Our Costco didn't have it yesterday. We'll try again later in the week. (They finally got the avocado oil in ... it had been missing in action for a couple of months, at least!)
What a "cool" way to poach salmon! I love your squash casserole, too! :-)
Hi CyberSis,
What a bummer not finding the Copper River salmon at your Costco. Not sure how they decide what location to send it to first but I'm thinking you might have gotten it before me (logistically speaking, anyway).
Keeping my fingers crossed they will have it on your next visit. My regular store doesn't carry it but I get it from one further away from me. Funny how some of their items disappear and return, isn't it? LOL on the "cool" way to poach salmon. I have been eating salmon for lunch and dinner the last few days and enjoying every single bite! Going to make some more again this evening. :-)
Thanks Lauren! I believe Copper River Salmon is the best salmon. It's wild (important), delicious, healthy and I think the best tasting. Depending on where you live, you can usually find it fresh (not frozen) for a few months during the year. I actually picked up some more today. I'm in the Atlanta area and have found it at Costco, Whole Foods, Sprouts Farmers Market. I actually picked some up this weekend at Costco. I hope you are able to find it and give it a try. It is delicious. :-)
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