Happy Saturday! This morning we were able to sleep in a bit and awoke to an absolutely gorgeous fall morning. It was so beautiful that we ended up walking for 2 hours instead of the 1 hour we had planned to do (of course, since I took my camera along it delayed things just a bit). When we got back home, I was starving -- I had only had a couple glasses of water before heading out. I was so glad that I made my Greek Style Spinach-Feta Pie for dinner last night...because that meant LEFTOVERS for brunch (it was too late to count as breakfast). All I had to do was reheat a piece in the microwave for a couple of minutes and breakfast was ready! I enjoyed my "slice of pie" with a big fat red strawberry and a cup of French roast coffee...and now I'm off to my next favorite part of the day...Costco! ;-) I really should invest in some stock in that company...hahaha! I snapped a couple photos of my brunch as well as a couple pictures from our walk this morning. Enjoy your Saturday!

These are the ramblings of a self-described wheat, grain and gluten-free “gourmet girl” that loves to cook and eat good food. I love creating and sharing recipes and photographing “beautiful food”. In July 2012, I eliminated wheat, grains and added sugar from my diet and rediscovered real, whole fresh foods again and effortlessly lost 65+ pounds. Join me in my wheat, grain and gluten-free journey. See how easy it is to enjoy grain free gourmet, one meal at a time! Welcome to my blog. Enjoy!
Hi GG, we both had the same delicious breakfast! Only my coffee was black!
You walked two hours on an empty stomach! I fear I would be unable to do that. Do you walk along the water?
I loved your photos of the geese! it brings back memories! When we were visiting my in Laws in Switzerland we took beautiful walks along the River Rhein, bordered by trees and boats. The enjoyable vista was enhanced by many majestic swans. The town is called *Schaffhausen*,( famous for the Rheinfall* ) a treasure with old castles, beautiful vineyards and many art galleries.
I hope that you can visit that country one day, it is truly beautiful!
Sorry for going off subject again!
Tomorrow I will be making your fabulous chicken pot pie, I can not wait! I have strong chicken broth waiting!
Have a wonderful Sunday! Barbara.
Hi Barbara! That is too funny about having the same breakfast as me (coffee and spinach-feta pie). Another follower, Loretta posted that she had the same breakfast too (she posted it on yesterday's post). Yes, I did walk 2 hrs on an empty stomach -- I only intended to walk for 1 hour though but it was so beautiful we walked longer. The lake is a about 2-1/2 miles from my house -- so we walk around it near the end of our walk before turning around and coming back. There are a few little farms where horses graze, too, but unfortunately we didn't see any horses today (there were quite a few last Sunday). Switzerland sounds beautiful and I hope I do get to travel there some day. What is the best time of year to visit in your opinion? My father traveled to Switzerland when he was alive and brought me back a beautiful watch pendant and cuckoo clocks -- they were beautiful. I may have to make chicken pot pie next weekend...it is getting cool enough now where that sounds like something warm and cozy to have for dinner. Strong chicken broth will guarantee it is delicious! I hope you have a wonderful Sunday, too! :-)
I truly envy you for that walk around the lake because that probably never is boring as the water attracts water fowl , which probably changes with the season! I am walking in the neighbour hood and it is truly boring. My favourite walk was along the bay, unfortunately some people let their dogs run loose, disturbing the wildlife and it now is closed to all people! Instead of enforcing the law and doling out fines to the uncaring ones, they punished us all! That walk was heaven on earth, especially in spring with the water birds and egrets nesting in the trees. I must have seen 15 different species of ducks. Oh well, no more!
You asked me what the best time is to travel in Switzerland. We always went during the summer when the children were on vacation. One summer we rented a chalet in *Appenzell* with my parents and my In-laws , we had six weeks of rain! We played a lot of board games, lol.
So one has to be lucky, there is a lot of rainfall in Germany and Switzerland and with it comes the most beautiful wild flowers and the greenest pastures!
Bis bald! Barbara.
Lisa, are you Greek? I love spanakopita, but haven't had it in years. You've just about convinced me to try this. I always put chopped green onions and parsley, along with the dill in spanakopita, and a bit of fresh mint if I have it. Your coffee looks so good, too!
Hi Barbara! Switzerland sounds absolutely beautiful -- and 6 weeks of rain on your summer vacation is a lot of rain! I can imagine you really did play a lot of board games!!! Nowadays, kids would have spent all that time on their phones, texting or listening to music. At least back then the family time was spent interacting with each other instead of in their own little "smartphone worlds".
You are right about how so many times rather than punish offenders (like around the bay where you liked to walk), they just make everyone pay the price. I bet it was a beautiful walk. When you have a nice view, you don't even notice how far you are walking sometimes -- time goes by quickly. It is 55 degrees here this morning and looks like another beautiful day ahead. Hope you have a good day today -- take care! :-)
I actually use green onions frequently, too, Luana -- but I don't have those on hand as frequently because they don't last as long as regular onions do. I bet fresh parsley would be great in this too. :-)
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