*P.S. -- For those of you that might be wondering, I had my follow-up visit with the cardiologist yesterday after my event last week. My official diagnosis is pericarditis, which for those of you that don't know, it is inflammation of the membrane/sac around the heart. It is very painful and the symptoms mimic those of a heart attack. Typical treatment is aspirin or anti-inflammatory meds, both of which I'm allergic to. So, time and rest is what I am doing. I went back to work this week and while I still feel fatigued, I'm not really experiencing much in the way of pain. I do find I am more tired in the evenings or when trying to shop, etc., but I persevere. I'm told that anyone can get it and it can be caused by something as simple as a virus. So, I'm hoping that I will be back to 100% perkiness very soon! Until then, I intend to fake it! ;-)

These are the ramblings of a self-described wheat, grain and gluten-free “gourmet girl” that loves to cook and eat good food. I love creating and sharing recipes and photographing “beautiful food”. In July 2012, I eliminated wheat, grains and added sugar from my diet and rediscovered real, whole fresh foods again and effortlessly lost 65+ pounds. Join me in my wheat, grain and gluten-free journey. See how easy it is to enjoy grain free gourmet, one meal at a time! Welcome to my blog. Enjoy!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Chicken Pot Pie -- The Perfect Comfort Food!
This evening I made my Chicken Pot Pie w/ Cheddar Crust for dinner. I had some chicken breast leftover from a rotisserie chicken we had for dinner last night. Since I was tired last night, hubby picked up a rotisserie chicken and we had that along with a simple green salad for dinner yesterday. I also just happened to have some leftover "pot pie crust dough" in the fridge from a little over a week ago when I made my heart shaped pot pie. I pressed the leftover scraps together and shaped them into a large "burger shaped" wheel of dough, wrapped it tightly with plastic wrap, and kept it refrigerated. It wasn't enough to make a regular sized pot pie, but plenty enough to make 2 individual pot pies. Since I have been a bit out of sorts this past week, I just got around to making them this evening. I had some fresh haricot verts (thin green beans) that I cut into thirds and I thinly sliced a medium carrot as the veggies for the pot pies. I tore the leftover chicken into larger chunks and made half the recipe for the pot pie "soup/gravy". I used my deep individual soup crocks with handles to hold our pot pies. To add a slightly different twist to them, after I filled the bowls with the pot pie filling, I placed a layer of sliced "Chipotle White Cheddar" cheese slices on top of the filling before adding the crust layer. I popped them into the oven to bake for about 30 minutes. They turned out so good. I added extra chicken and veggies so the filling was more like a super chunky thick stew. Since the dough for the crust was already made and I used leftover cooked chicken, the only thing I had to cook was the green beans and carrots which took about 4 minutes to lightly steam in the microwave and while they were cooking, I made and thickened the soup base. I snapped a few quick photos below. Click this link for the recipe: -------> Chicken Pot Pie w/ Cheddar Crust. Enjoy!
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The chicken pot pie looks yummy! I'm not familiar with your diagnosis but at least you have an answer. Glad you are feeling better - keep taking care of yourself!
Hi GG, this chicken pot pie recipe is one of my absolute favorites of yours! I love how easily it comes together. Even my son who is not a chicken lover enjoys it. I even made a salmon pot pie one night with canned salmon. It came out quite good as well--I just need to tweak the herbs but will definitely try it again.
Thank you for the update re: your health scare. I'm glad they have figured out what you've been dealing with but it's sad you can't take any of the medications that can help you fight it off.
Please take care of yourself!
Glad to hear you're feeling somewhat better. Sounds like it may take awhile to be 100%, but at least it gives peace of mind to know what the issue was. Keep on baking!
Thanks, Pat. Yes, I am relieved to have a diagnosis and will be glad when it is all over with! Thanks for the well wishes. :-)
Hi Peg -- So glad you enjoy the chicken pot pie -- it is one of my favorites. It's one of those recipes that just FEELS like you are eating the traditional version. Great idea about making the salmon pie. I've been thinking about making a tuna version (similar to a tuna-noodle-less casserole). I may give that a try some day. Salmon sounds awesome, too. I wonder if you added some dill as an herb and possibly a few little grates of lemon zest if that might be good? Thanks so much for the well wishes -- I am trying to "take it easy"...but its hard! :-)
Thanks Gail - I actually called the doctor's office this afternoon to find out why I am still not 100% and they told me it could take a few weeks for it to completely resolve. I wondered if it takes longer because I can't take anything to get rid of the inflammation and have to sort of rest and "wait it out". No worries -- I will keep on baking! :-)
Hi GG, I hope that you are feeling stronger as days go by! Life has a way of dishing up surprises good and bad .One's life can change in an instant and never be the same again.
I prepared chicken stock in my pressure cooker and tomorrow we will have your chicken pot pie, It is our absolute favorite dish.I found that the homemade broth is important, I reduce it quite a bit for a concentrated flavor.
Thinking of you, glad to hear that you are going to bed earlier and I really appreciated your kind words! Barbara.
thanks for update on your medical situation. i will be sending healing energy your way and hope you will be fully recovered very soon.
much appreciation for your persevering in sharing your always yummy food creations w/photos. so very helpful.
brightest blessings to you!
Thanks so much, Samudra -- I appreciate your kind words...always and thanks for sending good wishes my way! :-)
Thanks, Barbara! So glad you enjoy the chicken pot pie. It is one of those recipes that anyone can enjoy regardless of whether or not they are grain free. I bet it is even better with your homemade chicken stock. I will have to make it with homemade stock soon! Thanks. :-)
I made your chicken pot pie, I used the carcass from a Costco baked chicken to make the broth.
So my husband is loving it, telling me that *the GG woman*lol, knows what she is doing!
Now here is his suggestion(please do not take it seriously): "Why don't you take a more shallow bowl and increase the amount of dough . " This is how much he loves your pie crust!
Hope that you are feeling stronger! Can you take Aspirin!
Be well, Barbara.
Hi Barbara! LOL...That's actually not a bad idea -- more crust ratio to filling! I bet it was delicious with your broth. It's like getting multiple uses out of one chicken, isn't it? I actually felt pretty good today...and no, unfortunately for me I can't take aspirin or NSAIDS -- both would normally be given to help me with my ailment. Now that I can't take nitroglycerin either, I guess I'm in trouble if I have a crisis it seems! Have you tried taking tumeric for your inflammation? I had hoped to get some today but ran out of time and didn't get any. If you take it, what kind do you use (brand)? Hope you had a good weekend. :-)
Hi GG, too bad that you are unable to take Aspirin!
Turmeric is not one of my favorite spices, but then I do ingest things to further my well being, that I do not like. Ginger, turmeric and cinnamon are really beneficial !
I make a delicious Ethiopian dish with cabbage, carrots and potatoes, flavored with cumin, turmeric, salt and pepper. It is prepared without any fluids( cabbage holds a lot of water).
This dish is absolutely delicious! Now I still prepare it but *fish out* the potatoes!
Have you heard how the Turmeric is high in Pesticides, unless it is organic? Herbs are being heavily sprayed!
Bis bald and be well! Barbara.
Hi Barbara -- Yes, I've read about turmeric having pesticides, insect parts, etc. I need to re-subscribe to Consumer Labs -- I've had a subscription to them for years (they independently test supplements). I let my subscription lapse a month or 2 ago -- guess it's time to join again. I do try and use cinnamon in my Greek yogurt every morning -- I use Ceylon cinnamon. Your cabbage dish sounds great! :-)
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