Happy Sunday! This morning it started off overcast but by the time I finished making my multi-colored pepper omelet...the sun began peeking out. I made myself an omelet this morning filled with sauteed mini red, yellow and orange peppers and also tossed in a little sauteed onion and some finely diced jalapeno peppers and tomatoes as well. I added a tiny bit of shredded Dubliner cheese inside. I snapped a few photos to share as well as a photo of some Meyer lemons that I picked up at Whole Foods yesterday. Every time I have ever gone looking for them, I could never find them...so yesterday when I wasn't looking for them...there they were! If you have never seen a Meyer lemon before, they are actually more orange (like mandarins) than they are yellow and thought to be a cross between a regular lemon and mandarin orange. They are very fragrant and are supposed to be sweeter and less acidic than traditional oranges. In case you are interested, I also found a link to an article about what to do with them:
100 Things To Do With a Meyer Lemon Enjoy!
Voila! |
Meyer Lemons
Do you have a recipe for the wraps that you are using?
Hi Kathi -- the only wraps I have made were the tortillas I made when I made a chicken enchilada casserole -- here is the link for that recipe (the tortilla recipe is there too) http://gourmetgirlcooks.blogspot.com/search/label/Chicken%20Enchilada%20Casserole%20%28Wheat%20and%20Grain%20Free%20Version%29
There are some flax wraps people make that follow Atkins and Wheat Belly too. I hope this is what you were asking me -- if not, let me know. Thanks!
Here is the Wheat Belly Flax Wrap Recipe I pasted below that some people use:
Number of Servings: 1
3 Tbsp ground flaxseed
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 Tbsp coconut oil
1 large egg
1 Tbsp water
Mix together flax and baking powder. Stir in melted coconut oil. Beat in egg and water until blended. Pour into greased microwave safe pie plate. Microwave on high for 2-3 minutes until cooked. Allow to cool for about 5 minutes. Gently lift an edge with a spatula, loosen from the pan. Flip the wrap over and top with desired toppings.
Serving Size: 1 wrap
You can make this savory by adding herbs such as paprika, onion powder, garlic powder; or even noncaloric sweetener & cinnamon.
You can make this in a rectangular microwave safe dish, or a round container.
Thank you!
You are welcome Kathi -- there is a delay on my blog for posts to show up -- you probably didn't do anything wrong.
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