Today was another warm and muggy day. We ran a number of errands and got ready for the work week ahead. Both sons came over for dinner this evening so I decided to make us a pasta dinner. I diced and sauteed boneless chicken breasts, yellow squash, zucchini and sliced fresh mushrooms in a little olive oil and then poured a jar of one of my favorite DelGrosso pasta sauces over everything and let it simmer together on low for about 30 minutes. I stirred about 1/4 cup of grated Parmesan cheese into the sauce and then served it over lightly sauteed zucchini noodles and topped it with shredded Parmigiano Reggiano. I lightly toasted some leftover Cheesy Pepperoni Baguette Bread I made a few days ago to go with our meal. It was quick, simple and delicious. I've posted a couple pictures below. Enjoy!
Voila! |
Gourmet Girl,
Just wanted to let you know that your blog along with reading WheatBelly has inspired me to go wheat free beginning today (Monday). Thanks for all the great recipes. Wish me luck!
Thanks so much Stacey! I wish you the absolute BEST of luck!!! I think once you get all the wheat/grains/sugar out of your system and your body adjusts that you will love eating like this. :-)
Hi GG: Not sure my first comment went thru so am trying again. Wanted to thank you for your inspiration and have enjoyed the recipes I've tried. When I saw today's "pasta" recipe, I thought maybe you tried shiritaki noodles. The Wheat Belly fettucini alfredo sauce was great but the noodles -- ick! Have you tried them yet? I'm bummed because they are virtually no carbs. Thx again!
Hi Lisa R. -- your first comment came through (they have to be published to go all the way through)...I didn't post both of them but am glad your kids are exploring some of your recipes and also glad you liked some of the recipes you've tried -- I'm actually going to make the spinach feta pie in the next day or two. As far as the "shirtaki pasta/noodles" -- I know some people like them, but I do not care for them at all whatsoever. Yes, they taste like nothing...but that is what I would rather have than eat I know they absorb other flavors, yada yada...but I would prefer to eat something I actually LIKE instead. I actually have over 20 baqs of that stuff I am getting ready to toss -- that is how much I don't like them! It's a great concept without carbs -- just a lousy product (in my opinion). ;-)
This post about shirtaki noodles restores my faith in my cooking skills. I prepared them a couple of times and all I could think of was that the taste and texture was like cooked rubber bands. Not that I make a habit of eating cooked rubber bands - LOL - but that was the best comparison I could come up with.
I thought maybe I had misread the cooking instructions but it does appear that this product is an acquired taste. Sorry you have so many bags to get rid of.
Pat in Ohio
LOL Pat -- I actually gave several bags away -- he said he didn't want any more!!! So -- I guess it's one of those love it or hate it sort of items. Guess we are both in the "I don't like shiritaki fan club". :-)
I tried the shirataki noodles for the first time last night with a shrimp, snow peas, shitaki muchroom stir-fry and I didn't mind them at all. They tasted like the stir-fry and just gave you an added feel of real noodles.
I don't know if I'll have them again but I didn't hate them LOL.
Oh and while I'm here, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Gourmet Girl. I am only one week in WB and I adore your website and your recipes, you've helped me so much to see that it can be done.
Sorry for going on and on ;).
Thank You!!
Hi Roye -- Well...maybe you will be one of those people that can eat the shiritaki noodles -- I wish I liked them!!! Thank you for your kind comments and glad you enjoy the blog. I think the key to doing well is making sure you eat foods you love that are wheat/grain and sugar free. It's amazing how many things that you really are able to enjoy (with a little modification) -- and you don't have to deprive yourself or feel hungry all the time. I wish you tremendous success and congratulations on your first week on WB. :-)
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