This evening I had hoped to make grilled shrimp skewers to put on top of big main-dish salads for dinner. Unfortunately, a mega-storm came through with massive downpours, thunder and obviously there would be no grilling for dinner tonight! Fortunately, I got my walk in earlier today so I didn't have to worry about that because last night's walk ended up being in the rain, but fortunately, it was just light rain. So, instead of the shrimp, I had hubby stop and pick up a chicken on his way home while I cut up a couple small heads of artisan romaine lettuce that I had picked up at Costco. I also thinly sliced a small carrot, some red cabbage, tomatoes and diced some cheddar cheese. While I cut the veggies up, I put a large handful of pecans in the oven to toast. Even though I was a little disappointed about not being able to grill any shrimp...our salads turned out fabulous anyway. As of today, I have lost another pound...for a total of 63 is so unbelievable to be able to eat so much food and lose weight so effortlessly. My doctor almost didn't recognize me yesterday and he said "whatever you are doing...keep doing it because obviously you have found what works for you"! It's amazing after all these years to have finally found "what works for me". I have Dr. William Davis (Wheat Belly) to thank for that. I snapped a couple photos of my mega salad below. Enjoy!

These are the ramblings of a self-described wheat, grain and gluten-free “gourmet girl” that loves to cook and eat good food. I love creating and sharing recipes and photographing “beautiful food”. In July 2012, I eliminated wheat, grains and added sugar from my diet and rediscovered real, whole fresh foods again and effortlessly lost 65+ pounds. Join me in my wheat, grain and gluten-free journey. See how easy it is to enjoy grain free gourmet, one meal at a time! Welcome to my blog. Enjoy!
Beautiful salad, and congrats on your tremendous weight loss! It is such a shame that so many people (at least people I know) are not at all open to trying Dr. Davis' wheat-free suggestions.
Thanks, Kath! I believe many people think you can't eat "good stuff" any more...or that it is too difficult. I wish people would just give it 30 days to see how different they feel when they have no cravings driving their appetite. If I didn't try it and see it for myself, I would find it hard to believe it could be so drastic. I know some people thought I was nuts for trying this...most of them no longer think I am...but still, they are afraid to give up "bread" -- that seems to be the consistent stumbling block I hear over and over. There is nothing to lose by giving it a 30-day trial (except for some weight and cravings, maybe)! Thanks, again! :-)
You are so inspirational! I look forward to reading your posts every day. What dressing did you use with the salad?
I've just started the WB program, thanks to you. :)
Hi Neha! For this salad, I just put together some avocado oil, pomegranate infused red wine vinegar, Celtic sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. You could use your favorite oil & vinegar flavor and/or make a buttermilk based dressing, too. On occasion, I have used a bottled dressing in the refrigerator section called "Simply Dressed". I think some people make their own ranch dressing too. You just need to make sure any bottled dressing doesn't have wheat added or too much sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc. Thanks for your kind words and good luck on your WB journey! :-)
Hi GG, well there is another chef d'oeuvre to be framed. By now we would have a beautiful array of photos. It would be fabulous on a wall. That red cabbage is magnificent in this mélange of salad fixings! thank you for bringing us joy!
Be well and safe!
P.S. GG do you know Lisa @24-7 diner, a low carb web site? She is from Oklahoma and her site is been mot attended to since the hurricane. It gives me shivers to think that something terrible happened to her and the family . She had a string of bad luck, a burglary of her home, the thieves came twice! She had a hard time making ends meet.( is that proper English ?)
Hi, I don't know her. I hope she is okay and maybe has just been disconnected from power rather than something worse. Was she a regular poster? The pictures of the destruction are so horrific that even so many of the survivors I'm sure are without power, etc. Let's hope she and her family are okay!!!
Barbara -- I just looked to see if she had a Facebook page and she does -- looks like she last posted there on June 1 (from Tulsa OK). Based on that, it appears things are okay.
Thank you GG for looking her up! I have to confess that I do not have a Facebook account, it is just another chore to fit in . Went to the Doctor and somehow she confessed not to have one either, I can't tell you how relieved I was! We had a good laugh! I thought I was the only person on the planet not to want one.
I forgot to congratulate you for your continuing weight loss. So wonderful! All that walking helps!
So you must have so much fun renewing you wardrobe.
Be well and be safe! Barbara.
Hi Barbara! I actually know a number of people (both young and older) that don't have or want Facebook. Some people put their entire lives on it and I do think one day they may regret that. I "use Facebook"..."Facebook doesn't use me"...meaning I don't give my personal information to just anyone and everyone...if I know somebody well enough to share EVERYTHING with...than they already know -- they don't find out via Facebook. So, don't feel bad about that. I finally HAD to break down and buy new clothes...I was literally swimming in mine...I was trying to wait until I saw how far it was going to go...but I didn't have much choice! It is kind of funny because while everyone around me knew I had lost a lot of was somewhat masked by the baggy loose people act like I have lost weight overnight...and the truth is they are just finally seeing what was hiding underneath...sort of an unveiling I guess...LOL. Have a great day is off to Costco and hubby is in a a training I'm going it alone -- pray for me...that I don't come home with too much stuff!!! ;-)
Hello Gourmet Girl and Congrats on your amazing success. You are an inspiration to so many. I have to tell you that just this week I too saw my doctor and he nearly flipped when he saw me. I have lost 55 lbs thanks to the great Dr. Davis and your wonderful blog and recipes. He actually took me off cholesterol and high blood pressure meda which was my goal when I started all this.i totally agree that you have to find what works for you and keep trying until you do. This way of life and eating is totally what worked for me and for everyone out there who doesn't believe this truly impacts your health, I went from triglycerides of 347 (scary high) to 70. I have a family history of high blood pressure and cholesterol, so there's no question in my mind that making these dietary changes has made a huge difference in my life not to mention my blood work. I read your blog every day and I plan my weekly menus around your recipes, they are always perfect, delicious and I know will keep me on track. I know so many people who say they can't possibly give up bread, pasta and high starch foods, look I get it, I'm Italian, I was raised on pasta almost daily and I can tell you I don't even miss it. Once you give up the wheat your body does not want it anymore, I tell you it's amazing but absolutely true. I hope this might inspire others to also give it a try, it's so liberating to know you finally can win this battle and get your health back.and of course shopping for cute little clothes in a size you never thought you could wear is pretty awesome too. Take care and God bless. Maria
Thanks so much, Maria! Wow...congratulations to YOU for losing 55 lbs! Doesn't it feel amazing? Your triglycerides are excellent!!! I also have a family history of high BP and particularly high triglycerides. When you hear what my triglycerides will realize how mine were even scarier than yours...LOL. Mine started at 546 !!! Can you believe that? Within 6 weeks they were cut in half and the last check they were 115. I don't think I had ever had a normal triglyceride level prior to this. I have high BP that has come way down -- my reading in the doctor's office yesterday was 128/74 -- and mine is ALWAYS high in the doctor's office! LOL If you see my earliest blog posts before I started will see that we did a lot of pasta here too -- while I am not Italian, I guess you could say I was a "wannabe"...LOL. If I didn't experience it myself, I could never believe that I wouldn't crave pasta and bread after eliminating wheat. I am totally satisfied with zucchini or squash noodles if I want pasta and I am totally satisfied with my alternative pizza crust. I have figured out how to do biscuits, bagels, wraps...but as much as I enjoy my alternate versions...I now eat them because I choose to, not because I am craving them -- it is so liberating. I am going to experiment this afternoon with making a loaf of "wheat free bread"...I keep hoping if I can come up with a bread my hubby would like and eat, that I could at least nix him eating bread for his sandwiches at lunch! He does good at dinner time because he eats what I fix -- but breakfast and lunch, not so much! So, I will embark on wheatless sandwich bread one more time this afternoon. Again...congrats on your weight loss -- now, if I can get my triglycerides under 100 I would be ecstatic! Although 115 for me is unreal...but I do believe that anything is possible now! Take care and thanks so much! :-)
I have to put in my 2 cents! I hear the "can't do without bread" comment all the time too. I do like to have WF wraps, bread, biscuits etc made and in the freezer for convenience. It's nice to be able to fall back on a sandwich when there are no leftovers. I have to admit there are times I still miss Baked Lays--I used to allow myself a lg bag per month; now I've had maybe two 1 oz bags in the last 10 months. And hubby & I do still like a dessert-type baked good or muffin w/our coffee frequently.(he would not stay on track without it!) However, they are always WF and WB-approved. (that's why I'm always so happy to see your dessert recipes as well as the entrees!) I too was wondering about your wardrobe; I don't know how you went so long before buying a new one! With just a 10-12lb weight loss I've had to replace most of my pants. Fun but expensive! :-)
Hi Darlene! I know that the advice frequently given to newbies with WB is to stick only to whole foods and don't try to recreate some of the goods (like muffins, bread or treats)...but my personal experience and opinion is quite the opposite. I found that they helped me transition better by having the WB approved substitutions available as well as feel "normal"...until I no longer was driven by the cravings of wheat. It's kind of scary when you think..."I can never have...this or that again...etc.". But once you realize that there are alternatives just as satisfying but that don't make you "crave" can calm down a bit a enjoy the new journey and experience. That is my experience anyway...and I believe having them made, frozen and accessible when the desire strikes is a positive factor in staying on track and not reaching for something else more convenient. All you simply are doing by having these items ready is making the allowable foods convenient as well. Since the appetite is no longer being driven by cravings...I think it is a win/win. Oh, and yes...I waited WAY too long to get new clothes...even the elastic waistbands couldn't hold anything up any more...LOL. I didn't realize how ridiculous it was (despite my hubby and kids telling me so) until I actually wore clothes that fit...then suddenly people thought I lost lots of weight overnight...LOL. Congrats on your weight loss too...I say whatever helps you stay the course is exactly what is right for you! I'm with you though -- I like to have a few WB-friendly convenience items ready should I need them. :-)
I'm so happy for you! Fabulous job. Keep up the great work and thanks again for all the recipes. I made the cheddar biscuits the other nite-they were delish!
Thanks, Patricia -- so glad you liked them! Thanks for the kind comments, too! :-)
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